Saturday, March 23, 2013

Good to be Home

It has been a long time since I have sat down and recorded some of what is keeping us so busy. 

This past weekend I traveled BY MYSELF back to Wisconsin.  I emphasize the 'by myself' because leading up to the weekend I was overwhelmed and frazzled by my kids.  I love my kids dearly but sometimes a break is nice...if you know what I mean.  Kyle, being the great husband that he is, took care of the kids from Friday morning till Tuesday afternoon.  I owe him big time:)
His initial response
My main reason for heading to WI was a surprise 60th birthday party that my family had been planning for my dad.  There were so many lies that were told to keep everything a secret, like while I was sitting in the Philadelphia airport and telling my dad that I was at home.  Nerve-wracking...I'm not a comfortable lier. 

As my mom brought my dad to Door County for the day family and friends were feverishly getting their home ready for a party.  74 people were there when they got home yelling "SURPRISE"  as they walked in the garage.  It was great and he was so surprised.  We all got to share about him and many special things where said.  He was overwhelmed with the love that everyone shared. 

We know it is spelled wrong:)

The party was on Saturday evening and then the rest of the time in Green Bay was very laid back and relaxing.  My mom and I spent a bit too much time having a Downton Abbey marathon and shopping.  It was a great trip and it was great to be home...but when Tuesday came I was ready to get home. 
Some of the people who shared in celebrating

It is crazy that after a short two months away home is a completely different place.  How after only two months it feels normal to come back to Roanoke. God has definitely blessed us in making Roanoke feel like home.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Laughs at Family Game Night

Enjoying the game of Hedbanz!
I know this is close to my last post but I had to post this.  As I've said before Tuesday nights is family game night.  The girls have wanted to play a new game that the Mautz's (friends from Waukesha) gave us since we have gotten here.  Kyle and I don't mind games but do not like kid games so much.  I know we are not the best parents:)  So tonight we gave in and said we could play the game Hedbanz.  The object of the game is to guess what your card is.  Each person wears a headband with a card stuck in it.  So you ask questions: am I am animal, am I a food, etc.  Kyle had toaster, I had pizza, Elayna had tomato, Aubs had fish, and Mari had pig.  We all looked ridiculous with these headbands on.  Maybe you had to be here to see the humor in it.  It may also have to do with the fact that it is the end of the day and we are all tired out.  By the end we were all laughing and confused about what each of our cards were.

More Visitor

We are excited to have had more people come and stay with us.  Last evening Joey Beyer, along with 5 friends from Covenant College, stayed at our home.  They are on spring break and are driving the Blue Ridge Parkway (a very scenic road).  It was great to have them with us. They were really a sweet group, very thankful, and blended right into our family.( it is a big change to have males in our house...Kyle is a bit outnumbered.)  Our girls thought that they were here to see them and were disappointed that they could not sleep in their bedroom:)
The 'boys' (that is what our 3 call them:)) having a pillow fight.

My little kitchen helper preparing supper
Many have said that they are going to come and visit... we hope you will all stay good on your word:)  We love having people here.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Big or little?

I go back and I need to have something big to be able to tell you all about it in my blog or can I just tell you about the small goings on that happen everyday.  I'm afraid you wouldn't hear from me if I waited for the big events:) 

Our life lately is filled with busy days and treasured family times.  We have added a game night to our weekly schedule.  The girls are love to play a game each week...Kyle and my patience is growing.
Kyle's day off (usually Friday) is spent running errands and just doing things as a family.  This past Friday Elayna only had a half day.  The night before we had had friends over and stayed up way too late.  When 7am came Friday morning for me to get Elayna up she was dead to the world.  So I made the motherly decision that a 6 year old can skip her half day of school if she is too tired.  She was pretty excited when she finally woke at 8:50 that she got to spend the whole day with us.  Please don't report me to her principle. 

We have been doing lots of swimming at the rec center that we belong to. Every Wednesday after school I take the girls swimming before our church dinner.  Elayna is proud to have passed the swimming test which then allows her to go on the big water slide. 

Last week we went to Angels of Assisi's animal no-kill shelter.  This is where we hope to adopt a dog (once we are not renting).  The girls LOVED looking at all of the dogs and cats.  We picked several out that we would like to take home with us.  I think Aubs would have stayed at the shelter...she loved being with all of the animals. 

This past Thursday I went to my new oncologist.  He was recommended to me by several people in our church.  I have to admit I was scared to start over with a new doctor.  I had enjoyed my month off of no doctors...I actually didn't think about health issues.  It kind of brought back many of my fears that I have about the possibility of my cancer coming back.  My oncologist is a wonderful Christian man.  He went through all of my records with me and was very happy with the progress that I have made.  He is quite confident that I have beat cancer and will not be dealing with it again.  That is our prayer.  I will see him every three months along with routine blood work. 

Today I got to help in leading the worship service at Westminster. It was great to be on the worship team.  It is wonderful that even though these people are still new to us, we can join together in singing praises to our One God.  I was even talked into doing a beautiful Ginny Owens song with another lady for the offertory.  So happy to be singing again. 
The lovely crazies I get to spend my days with:)
She makes me shake my head.

We had our first non-family WI visitors today.  The Cutsforth's from Cornerstone Church came to visit.  It was great to see a familiar face at church.  We had a wonderful time with them.  It was really a blessing and encouragement to have them with us. 

Visit with the Cutsforth's
So these are the 'goings on' in our life right now.  Nothing big, but this is what our life is about right now.  Spending time as a family,  serving others, and seeking to follow after Christ.  That is our prayer and our goal.  We are so happy to be here and are reassured that this is right where God wants us to be.