I go back and forth...do I need to have something big to be able to tell you all about it in my blog or can I just tell you about the small goings on that happen everyday. I'm afraid you wouldn't hear from me if I waited for the big events:)
Our life lately is filled with busy days and treasured family times. We have added a game night to our weekly schedule. The girls are love to play a game each week...Kyle and my patience is growing.
Kyle's day off (usually Friday) is spent running errands and just doing things as a family. This past Friday Elayna only had a half day. The night before we had had friends over and stayed up way too late. When 7am came Friday morning for me to get Elayna up she was dead to the world. So I made the motherly decision that a 6 year old can skip her half day of school if she is too tired. She was pretty excited when she finally woke at 8:50 that she got to spend the whole day with us. Please don't report me to her principle.
We have been doing lots of swimming at the rec center that we belong to. Every Wednesday after school I take the girls swimming before our church dinner. Elayna is proud to have passed the swimming test which then allows her to go on the big water slide.
Last week we went to Angels of Assisi's animal no-kill shelter. This is where we hope to adopt a dog (once we are not renting). The girls LOVED looking at all of the dogs and cats. We picked several out that we would like to take home with us. I think Aubs would have stayed at the shelter...she loved being with all of the animals.
This past Thursday I went to my new oncologist. He was recommended to me by several people in our church. I have to admit I was scared to start over with a new doctor. I had enjoyed my month off of no doctors...I actually didn't think about health issues. It kind of brought back many of my fears that I have about the possibility of my cancer coming back. My oncologist is a wonderful Christian man. He went through all of my records with me and was very happy with the progress that I have made. He is quite confident that I have beat cancer and will not be dealing with it again. That is our prayer. I will see him every three months along with routine blood work.
Today I got to help in leading the worship service at Westminster. It was great to be on the worship team. It is wonderful that even though these people are still new to us, we can join together in singing praises to our One God. I was even talked into doing a beautiful Ginny Owens song with another lady for the offertory. So happy to be singing again.
The lovely crazies I get to spend my days with:) |
She makes me shake my head. |
We had our first non-family WI visitors today. The Cutsforth's from Cornerstone Church came to visit. It was great to see a familiar face at church. We had a wonderful time with them. It was really a blessing and encouragement to have them with us.
Visit with the Cutsforth's |
So these are the 'goings on' in our life right now. Nothing big, but this is what our life is about right now. Spending time as a family, serving others, and seeking to follow after Christ. That is our prayer and our goal. We are so happy to be here and are reassured that this is right where God wants us to be.