Sunday, February 24, 2013

First Hike

At the top of Mill Mountain

 Yesterday afternoon we finally took part in the beautiful hills of Roanoke.  Kyle and I did not want to go to the gym in the morning so we decided that when he got home from work we would go for a hike.  We ventured out to Mill Mountain.  This is the famous mountain with the star on top.  The girls were real their little legs were aching.  Amaria had the sweet seat on top of Kyle's shoulders.  We got up to the top had some snacks that I had packed (the girls will do anything for a snack:)) and then headed back down.  We hurried down because the sun was quickly setting and the woods are pretty thick for a dark evening hike. As we got down Kyle and I were commenting that we had fun and would like to do it again...Aubs piped in and said, "I never want to do that again."  She would much rather be at home watching a movie cuddled up on the couch.:)  We will have to work on her.

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