Monday, February 18, 2013


Kyle is officially installed as the pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church of Roanoke.  This has been a very long process and last night it was all finalized.  The installation service was a real celebration.  Kyle's parents came into town last Thursday and we had a great time showing them around Roanoke and just spending time. 

The 'famous' Roanoke Valley tourist picture:)

More of Kyle's family arrived yesterday afternoon to take part in the service.  It was a special time to have 3 generations of Ferguson men take part in the installation service.  His grandfather did the sermon and his dad did the charge to Kyle.  It was a real blessing to watch so many people supporting and encouraging Kyle.  I am very excited to watch Kyle pastor this church and look forward to see how God is going to move.

Kyle answering the Installation questions

The men on the installation committee

Three generations of Ferguson Pastors

My crazy imaginative girls:)
We continue to settle in and the girls play pretend just like they always have.  Their favorite is to go around the house pretending that the ground is lava.  I think the get up that they all have on in this picture is protection from the lava....AND thank you to all who prayed for little Mari.  She has settled into her schedule well and is back to her enjoyable quirky little self again.


  1. Ooh, I miss those girls (and you and Kyle, too, I suppose ;))!

    Glad to hear everyone is settling in.

  2. Oh my goodness, our kids always played "hot lava" too when they were young! Glad to hear that Mari is herself again - everyone needs a little time to adjust! What a blessing to read of Kyle's installation and the legacy of faith and service in his family. You are both rich for having that heritage (in your family too, Michelle). We continue to pray that God will both use and bless you all in your new home, while we pray that we will adjust :) to not having you here. Hugs...
